Any member of the Christian faithful has a right to obtain a certificate of a sacrament received. Only that person, or the parents of a minor, or a legal guardian have this right. Certificates may also be released to another Catholic Church where the person is receiving a new sacrament. Requests for certificates should be submitted in writing and must bear the signature of the person whose certificate is being requested. Once a request has been processed, the individual may pick up their certificate in person at the rectory with a valid photo ID or it may be mailed to the individual's home parish. The certificate may also be mailed directly to the parish requesting the certificate. No information from sacramental registers may be provided by telephone or for genealogy purposes.
To request sacramental records, download and complete the form at left, then mail or bring to:
St. Aloysius Sacramental Records
125 East Pleasant Avenue
Tulare, CA 93274
Requests are processed in the order received. The normal processing time is two weeks.